Couples Therapy

I wasn't aware that NBC's Perfect Couples did a Glee and premiered a month ago. I only found out about it today, when the second episode came out. It's weird though since, apparently, the second episode is the pilot episode.

I really like the show, except for the theme song. It was seriously bad. I think they scrapped it though, hopefully for good.

I like the couples and their relationship with each other as couples and as a group. I like the show format, too. The show has witty lines, though not that much. Some situations aren't what you normally see. So, the show does bring something to the table. It has its moments, but I know the show can do better. I think it has the makings of a good sitcom. It's a good start. I know it'll get much, much better.

I'm looking forward to a lot more of these couples--an addition to my weekend dose of funny.


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