School Never Ends

I've been pretty much busy this past week. I had a lot of stuff going on in school.

Cyrus (2010)

Despite the hectic week, I was still able to watch most of the TV shows that came out this week. It's hard not to, I'm addicted to those shows! Especially One Tree Hill, which just came back from its holiday break. I'll blog about that some other time. Movies, on the other hand, not so much. Heck, Cyrus is the only movie I've seen all week! And it pretty much sucks that I was hoping to have some funny downtime, but no... It wasn't funny at all. A movie with John C. Reily and Jonah Hill, you kinda expect it to be funny. Again, no.... It was just plain bad. Let's leave it at that.

I gotta get me some good movies to watch.


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