I Have the Worst Timing

I always remember to blog when I know I'll be too busy to keep it up. Today marks the end of the first week of my final first semester in college, and what do I do? Blog.

After just one week of school, I can feel how much stuff I have on my plate. But I like blogging. I stumbled upon one of the activities we had in our INTAC class from freshman year and a lot of my blockmates mentioned my blog. So I got curious about what they were talking about so I looked into my Multiply (because Facebook was just beginning to blow up at that point in time), and apparently, my college freshman self blogged A LOT. And what's weird about it was how I blogged a lot about what happened to me on the day I blogged. It's weird because if you look at my Tumblr, it's almost completely void of my identity. You wouldn't know it's mine unless I (somehow) told you or somebody told you. I liked the anonymity my Tumblr (sort of) had.

Going through my old posts made me realize that I kind of like looking back at what I've written in the past. It was a good sign that I didn't cringe so much at what I wrote three years ago. (Because my 18-year-old self used to cringe a lot about my 15-year-old self's blog posts.) Now, it seems that I am letting my future self down by not blogging at all. Well, hello future self. Look! I'm blogging! Here's one more thing your bored self can read.

What I miss in particular is blogging about what I'm watching. For instance, I've begun watching United States of Tara. It's really interesting. I'm really amazed at how Toni Collette is able to act out so many different personalities in one scene. Amazing. And its so timely that I've finally decided to watch the show since I'm currently taking up Abnormal Psychology. I feel like such an expert on Dissociative Identity Disorder (thank you, Tara). But then again, what does our AbPsych professor tell us on our first day? Film and television exaggerate psychological abnormalities. So much for learning through television. Whatevs. At least I know what questions to ask.

Another thing that bugs me about United States of Tara is that it got cancelled. WHY?! It's such a great show with a great cast. I'm seriously into it.

Well, with or without United States of Tara. Showtime has seriously become my favorite TV network. It has the best underrated shows. Their shows are guilty pleasures I just love to sink my teeth into. I hope a really great show takes United States of Tara's place (and Weeds, too).


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